Once she gets used to this gag we'll move on the the BIG one.
She's not entirely worthless. She makes an acceptable footstool.
I love that she's always up for a challenge
All in pink
Fully stuffed
When her master returns she must be ready
The gag is more brutal when wearing a tight posture collar (X-Post /r/BondageGIFS_HighRES)
Please feel free to struggle
We won't be opening this gift until Christmas morning
Don't be sorry. You're next. (X-Post /r/BondageGIFS_HighRES)
Uncomfortable position to spend an afternoon
She needs a little extra
At some point while she was getting tattooed and dyed she had to consider that this was a possibility (X-Post /r/BondageGIFS_HighRES)
Pretty as a picture
Affectionate with her owner
If we're starting the night with such an enormous gag, tonight is bound to be spectacular
Bedtime Bondage
Adding a nice decoration
The party got off to a great start
She is used to having her panties spend as much time in her mouth as between her legs
She speaks more with her eyes than she ever could with her voice
It it better to know what's coming, or to have it be a surprise
Her reward will be a sore jaw for the rest of the week
Nothing left to do but endure
Installing the ring gag
Enough to make her eyes roll
Just letting her have it
The brank gag is more that the poor ponygirl can handle (/r/BondageGifs_HighRES)
A short break while I change her gag
More than she was expecting
It's so nice when your slaves cooperate with each other (X-Post /r/BondageGIFS_HighRES)
Making her work for it (X-Post /r/BondageGifs_HighRES)
A little anguish is understandable
A nice present for her anniversary
Giving her a taste
She took care to make her lips look pretty, now she can show them off
This morning they were bitter enemies, but after a hard day of training the only comfort that they find is in each other (X-Post /r/BondageGIFS_HighRES)
In tears from the pleasure
Silently screaming through the enormous gag
Thin line of drool
Kalina Ryu Loves It
So we won't wake the neighbors
The months of training have been worth it. She now accepts her position eagerly (X-Post /r/BondageGIFS_HighRES)
Her friend gets the purple panties
Are you ready for what will happen next?
Thankful that the gag is finally removed
She bragged that gags don't work on her
Getting her dressed for a night out